EPR Registration FAQ

The EPR Registration full form is Extended Producer Responsibility

Extended Producer Responsibility refers to the responsibility of management of disposal of those products once labeled as no longer useful by the consumers

  • Process starts with CPCB /SPCB
  • The authorized waste management agency collects agreed volume of post customer plastic waste 
  • Waste collection agency will present relevant documents for proof of waste collection activity
  • On behalf of PIBOM’s agency will submit quarterly report to CPCB.
  • After completion of activity final report will be submitted by agency to PIBOM’

Waste collected under the EPR is transported to the nearest disposal or recycling facility and processed through one of the following methods

  1. Used as fuel in Cement Kiln
  2. WTE Recovery
  3. Recycling

Multi-layer Plastic Waste is a type of plastic waste that has multiple layers of plastic, such as packaging chips.

Every Producer shall register EPR for the purpose of brand recognition or renewal of registration.

  • The concerned State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee of the Union territory, if operating in one or two states or Union territories

    ● The Central Pollution Control Board, if operating in more than two States or Union Territories.

EPR Certificate is for the Indian and Foreign importers and producers of electronic products for the management of E-Waste and under the EPR Authorization you get the EPR Certificate. EPR Registration and EPR Certificate is important for almost all the importers and manufacturers of plastic and electronic waste.

  • Process starts with CPCB /SPCB
  • The authorized waste management agency collects agreed volume of post customer plastic waste 
  • Waste collection agency will present relevant documents for proof of waste collection activity
  • On behalf of PIBOM’s agency will submit quarterly report to CPCB.
  • After completion of activity final report will be submitted by agency to PIBOM

As a Step to protect the environment, Registration of EPR is mandatory in India. This effectively means that no entity, whether a producer or an importer, can do business without first registering for EPR.

There are 4 categories of Plastic Packaging:
– rigid plastic packaging,
– flexible plastic packaging of single or multilayer plastic and covers made of plastic sheet carry bags, plastic sachet or pouches,
– multi-layered plastic packaging
– plastic sheets used for packaging as well as carry bags made of compostable plastics.

The (CPCB) Central Pollution Control Board will be establishing an online portal for registration and filling annual returns for producers, importers and brand owners and plastic waste processors.

EPR or Extended Producer Responsibility an environment protection strategy for reducing the impact of products and its packaging on the environment. EPR Registration is mandatory in India. It is established by the government ensure that the responsibility of lifecycle of the product including the take-back  & recycling the post consumer waste. EPR is a cost effective and most efficient method of recycling.

Reuse, buyback, or recycling programmes are all examples of EPR. The producer can alternatively opt to assign this responsibility to a third party, known as a producer responsibility organisation (PRO), which is compensated by the producer to manage used products.

EPR or Extended Producer Responsibility is an effective strategy to improve recycling rates, reduce waste and establish the circumstances for end-of-life management of packaging to be more efficient and cost-effective. We believe that EPR is one of the most effective systems for reducing the effect of plastic waste on the environment. The producers are fully responsible for financial and operational responsibility for the management of their materials.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change released the Framework for Extended Producer Responsibility Under Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 on June 26, 2020, seeking stakeholder comment by July 31.

A PRO is a Third Party Organization which takes the responsibility of producers to take-back waste from the market and recycle it. With the PRO the producers do not physically take back the waste, but financially support the process of recycling it.